BMT DAY +100

“If you improve 1% a day, then in 100 days, guess what? You’re 100% better.”

—Ken Carter

Oh, what it took to get Avery to today.

BMT DAY +100 photo shoot

ONE HUNDRED DAYS post bone marrow transplant.

She has shown us all the meaning of resilience, strength, and overcoming.

She’s fought so hard to get to today and we’re so very proud of her.

BMT DAY +100 photo shoot

We may have been standing beside her the whole way, but it was Avery who had to fight.

She was actually a little sad this morning, but when we put this dress on her and sat her in front of the camera… she was all for it!

BMT DAY +100 photo shoot

Playing with the balloons. The confetti. Trying to crawl.

Just living her best life for the camera.

Tomorrow she goes in for blood work.

BMT DAY +100 photo shoot

Yes, the 100 day test to see if she’s still 100% her donor is tomorrow as well.

Please keep believing with us that she is still 100% and that we remain on the path towards living cancer free.

BMT DAY +100 photo shoot

We hope to (at least) have preliminary results by the end of the week.

CONGRATS ON 100 DAYS, Sweet Ave!

QUICK FACT: 1 year ago today Avery reached remission for the first time. Today comes full circle for her in that regard.

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