When I say we fought ICU, we FOUGHT.

For 2 hours we asked every question, went through every scenario, and called in every advocate we had for Avery.

In the end, we decided to let them move her to ICU.

Our Palliative Care Dr, whom we adore and trust, as well as our nurse today, helped explain things in a way we could try to make sense of.

They helped us understand this is common with VOD patients.

That Aviโ€™s poor little body has been fighting so hard for weeks.

And, even though she looks better than yesterday, sheโ€™s still โ€œvery sickโ€ and needs the one-on-one care ICU can give her.

Itโ€™s the first day since her diagnosis that weโ€™ve all sat together and cried. And cried. And cried.

I canโ€™t fully explain the emotions weโ€™ve gone through today.

Honestly, we have a lot of PTSD based on Aviโ€™s last ICU stay. It was terrible.

Plus, our past experience with Averyโ€™s great grandma has us completely traumatized.

There was just a lot of emotions, uncertainties, and fears having to make this decision today.

Weโ€™re all hopeful it will give her time to rest.

Give her respiratory system time to heal.

Allow her VOD meds to continue to do their job.

Please keep Avery in prayer.

She has 2 procedures tomorrow that require anesthesia and are what sort of set all of todayโ€™s decisions into motion.

Finally, pray for Mom, Dad and our family.

As I mentioned, this decision wasnโ€™t made lightly or easily, so weโ€™ve all had another very hard day.

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