Avery is definitely doing her part to get us home soon!
First, her counts:
- WBC: 9.3
- Hgb: 11.8
- Platelets: 41
- ANC: 7510
Still waiting on those platelets to come up, but she’s making strides elsewhere.
- they stopped the ketamine
- took out her PIV (lV in arm)
- took out her PICC line (in arm)
- took off monitoring leads
- took off her pulse ox (O2 sensor)
PLUS, her first drain this morning was around 30cc and the second was 15cc.
This means we move to every 12 hours now and then we’ll be close to taking the shunt out!
Not to mention, she’s had good wet diapers today and 3 dirty diapers just this evening.
She’s getting all those extra fluids and meds out of her.
Once we get the drain out, our next big hurdle to eating again.
We introduced the bottle today by simply letting her hold an empty one to get familiar with it again.
Hopefully tomorrow we can get her to start taking small bottles. She still just doesn’t want anything (food-wise) by mouth yet.
She is taking oral meds easier now, so that’s still progress.
We’re optimistically HOPING that she’ll be home by Thanksgiving. When we asked today, it’s wasn’t a “no.”
If she keeps progressing like she is right now, we could definitely be spending this holiday at home!
Glad to learn she has empathy.
Please join us in believing that she’ll continue to hit each mark set by her care team so we can go home!!