1st birthday cutest pumpkin in the patch

What a day!

Avery has been showered with so much love over the past two days!

happy 1st birthday avery sign

Everyone around here sure knows how to make a girl feel great!

Seriously. Our care team here at Children’s is the best!

nurses with avery on first birthday

Nurses, Doctors, Child Life Specialists, Palliative Care, Physical Therapy, Nutritionist, Social Workers, EVERYONE stopped by Avery’s room today to simply tell her,

Happy birthday!

happy 1st birthday avery out the window sign

Papa and I even brought Big Sis and two of Avi’s aunts up to the hospital with a big sign and lots of smiles that she could see from her window.

It was a busy day… but also a really good one for her!

The redness spreading from her Central Line looks better today after starting a new antibiotic yesterday.

avery and her IV pole birthday

She’s still taking bottles, in addition to her TPN; which is a surprise to everyone and makes her Nutritionist happy.


Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN) is a mixture of fluids a given they her IV to provide most of the nutrients the body needs. It includes electrolytes, sugars, amino acids (protein), vitamins, minerals, and often lipids (fats).

They’re going to increase Avery’s sugars tonight with hopes that they can stop poking her soon!

(Yes, we’re still doing finger pricks)

Otherwise, she’s doing great!

Finally, a HUGE THANK YOU for all of the birthday wishes.

We all needed the encouragement and love today.

We needed Avery to have an amazing day… and she truly did.

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