It’s been a great day for our sweet girl!
She woke up this morning ready to twirl her stick and dance.
Unfortunately she’s still on the vent, but at least she’s ready to go as soon as they take it out.
BUT… she is back to where we were Wednesday before the second episode Thursday morning.
In fact, we’re probably in a better place!
She’s been doing so well today. We’ve been able to make good strides with her vent settings.
We’re hopeful we can start the extubation protocol soon which means lowering the vent settings to give her most of the power in her breathing.
If she can pass their series of tests, we can extubate in the next day or two.
We’re very excited to have a 48-hr plan at least. She’s so ready to just sit up and dance.
BMT-wise, she’s look great!
She’s off her VOD meds and in order to be released from BMT she only has to be able to eat.
She’s already on the NG Tube, so we’re heading the right direction there.
At this point it’s just a wait-and-see kinda time.
She’s been watching her songs and twirling her stick most of the day.
She’s tries to sit up, kicks her feet, and even does a little shimmy from time to time.
Don’t forget, she’s technically still sedated. Her doctor (and several others this week) have said she has never seen a baby metabolize medicine so fast.
Avi is some kind of super baby for sure.