Another lazy day for our sweet baby.
Avery’s been either sleeping or groggy from her medicines.
She actually had a couple more medicine changes today as they continue to try to find the best meds for her.
They do seem to be finding a happy balance. Yes, she’s sleeping, but when she’s awake she’s pretty comfortable.
That’s the most important part; that she’s comfortable.
They also did a dressing change today and noticed her catheter seemed to be pulling out a bit.
They did an x-ray to check its placement to ensure it’s still positioned properly.
They also checked her kidney function because she hasn’t had a wet diaper today.
There’s no blockages or other apparent reasons for it, so…
That, in addition to the red, rash-covered face could be a sign of ENGRAFTMENT starting.
We’re really hoping that’s what’s coming!
Otherwise, she woke up this morning playing her xylophone (in her sleep) and is still jamming on them this evening.
Pray it’s engraftment coming and that we can start pushing through some of these initial reactions.