Avery had a great day!

We saw smiles and a slight giggle here and there.

HEA - She's home xylophone

She played in the floor with some of her new toys.

She tried to crawl as much as possible. Pulled to standing position.

Learned how to open and close doors on toys.

HEA - She's home crawling

Stacked blocks. Cooked food in her play kitchen.

Turned page after page of board books.

She and Big Sister played together, fought over toys, and had the best time together.

HEA - She's home napping

She napped with Papa. Played with her aunt.

Danced. Played her xylophone.Seriously.

Avi fit in as much fun as she could today.

HEA - She's home playing

All the while, sheโ€™s been eating well. Doesnโ€™t seem anywhere near as anxious as last night.

Sheโ€™s taking everything in a little at a time.

Getting acquainted with home life once again.

And we couldnโ€™t be more excited about seeing how much sheโ€™s progressed after just one day home.

โ€œThereโ€™s nothing half so pleasant as coming home again.โ€

-Margaret Elizabeth Sangster

Welcome home, Avery!

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