Smiling even on the hard days

Sorry for the late update today, we were waiting for the attending to come in to give us news on the LP.

More below.

  • WBC: 2.6
  • Hgb: 10.0
  • Platelets: 77
  • ANC: 20
  • Blasts: 0

Today’s Differential printout doesn’t show “blasts” but does show some of the other parts that factor into it.

Therefore, we aren’t sure if it’s missing because it’s still zero, or if there’s a trace amount based on other numbers.

That’s part of the reason for today’s delay in updating, we’ve been waiting on confirmation. Still unsure. So??

The team has decided to go ahead with Thursday’s scheduled LP. They’re still unsure on a medicine regimen for it, but hope to have a plan in place by then.

Avery started a new BP medicine on Saturday and they’re still waiting to see how it’s going to work out. Her BP isn’t in the target area they would prefer, but not terrible either.

She was a bit restless last night, but seems to be in good spirits today; other than a bit gassy. That could be related to one of her medications.

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