So strong. Such a joy.
Everything went well with her biopsy and lumbar puncture this morning.
The anesthesia left her a bit groggy for most of the afternoon, but after a good 2 hour nap she was ready to play.
She hung out with Mom and I while playing on her floor mat, worked with her PT for a while, and then we took a long walk around our floor.
It was an easy lazy day as she recovered from her procedures.
Now we wait.
One more reminder, these are the two scenarios that would be best for Avery:
- less than 5% cancer cells in her bone marrow (with no AML)
Oh, and notice her beautiful new necklace?!
Kendra Scott gifted patients (and one parent) with a customized Color Bar!
Mom picked rose quartz for Avery because it represents healing, nurturing, and unconditional love.
Plus, upon further research after ordering the necklace, we discovered that rose quartz is also good energetic support for those with leukemia.