Staying another night
Avery’s numbers have just been barely squeaking by the necessary marks today, so we had a feeling she’d be staying another night.
Her last measured levels needed to be less than 0.4 and she was 0.3. Hopefully she’ll be ready to go tomorrow morning.
Probably for the best anyways, she and Big Sis are already tucked in for the night.
Plus, Avery is still experiencing some discomfort from the chemo and possible mouth sores (diaper area still looks good).
She’s been given two doses of the post-chemo “Rescue Medicine,” so hoping she’ll get some good sleep tonight.
One last thing, remember how I mentioned the family photo shoot this past Tuesday?
If you’re local to the North Texas area, I recommend Amy Hendricks Photography. She posted our “sneak peek” tonight and they’re perfect! ?
Here’s a tiny look at her work and a chance to see the family fighting alongside Avery every day.
She’s home! She made counts by .1 point. Mouth wash seems to be helping her eat. So, she’s sleeping in her own bed tonight!
To summarize, our specific prayer requests:
- no infections
- no mouth sores
- labs and procedures continue to show no sign of cancer