She’s Happy at Home, but Still Timid

❝There’s only one thing more precious than our time and that’s who we spend it on. ❞

– Leo Christopher

Avery is slowly easing back into being home.

She still doesn’t like loud or unexpected noises.

She scans the room looking at the people and things surrounding her. Especially today as we were all together to celebrate Avery being home.

She’s happy, but still timid. So we’re patiently watching and waiting. Helping her adjust.

And because we have many new followers, we thought we’d introduce our family once again.

Our Family Lifestyle photo shoot 2021

Meet Our Family

You all know our precious Avery.

She and Big Sis are best friends and keep Mom & Dad on their toes (as any infant and toddler would).

Mom is the oldest of 5. Her and Dad celebrate 6 years of marriage next month.

Avery is named after Mom’s closest sibling, only brother, and forever best friend. Avery is his middle name.

Together, along with their other three siblings, they have a very close relationship.

Papa and I simply sit back and enjoy watching them walk through this life… together. The pandemic + Avery’s depleted immune system mean we keep a very tight circle.

Therefore, today and always, when we thank you for all of your support, it’s coming from the ten of us.

With gratitude,

Avery + family

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