Did you know that most “wish” organizations don’t work with infants?

Most organizations have a minimum age of 2-3 years old, plus they can’t be more than a year out from diagnosis.

That knocks Avery out in both categories.

She just turned 16 months old and for her 1 year post-diagnosis, she was nearing the end of her 105-day inpatient stay for her Bone Marrow Transplant.

As you can see, babies often fall through the cracks and are forgotten by many organizations in this regard.

I don’t know if it’s because they’re too little or just too young to make a “wish” (I mean, wouldn’t a toddler still be too young as well then?), or they won’t remember the treatment anyway, but there’s definitely a void when it comes to our babies.

Therefore, we were thrilled to discover that Campaign One At A Time would work with us on a dream trip!

OOAT Avery

Dream Trip to Austin, TX

I know what you’re thinking, WHY AUSTIN?

Throughout the entire pandemic, we’ve remained incredibly safe.

First, it was protect Mom while she was pregnant with Avery. Then, it was to protect Avery as a newborn. And then it was to protect Avery with cancer.

Now that she is finally through BMT and CANCER-FREE, we want to getaway and take a breather from the trauma and mental anguish of the last 14 months.

We’re not yet comfortable flying, especially with Avery and Big Sis. Avery will wear a mask, but not for that long of a flight.

Plus, she still has withdrawal symptoms to work through and gets pretty nauseous. We don’t want to exacerbate anything with a new experience such as flying.

We know she likes the car.

But, why Austin?

Yes, I know we’re in Texas and could visit Austin anytime. But, again, the reality is we don’t get out of our “comfort circle” with Avery.

We’ve never been more than 45 minutes from Children’s Dallas.

And, even though Avery is doing well, she still has some things pop up occasionally that warrant a call to the doctors.

Therefore, Austin is a 3-4 hour drive (doable for Avery and Big Sis), and there are several major hospitals nearby.

Plus, the Hill Country area there offers great views and a feeling of escape.

Therefore, Austin it is!

Help us get there!

Okay, how can you help us get to Austin?

Campaign OAAT (one at a time) is now on a mission is to raise $10,000 to send us on a much needed dream trip to Austin, TX where we will enjoy some quality family time OUTSIDE of the hospital.

Dream Trip to Austin, TX

raise $10,000 to send Avery us on a much needed dream trip to Austin, Tx where we will enjoy some quality family time OUTSIDE of the hospital.