i’m avery and i’m so grateful you’re here!

On Wednesday, December 16, we received devastating news. Our sweet baby was diagnosed with Pre B-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Cancer. At 2 months. This is her healing journey.

Life at Home

Avery spent most of the first year of her life in the hospital. After bone marrow transplant, she was discharged and is currently home. She is cancer-free and doing her best to adjust to what life should be for a toddler. These Instagram posts represent those days at home.

Messy bun. Having fun. 🤩 

This poor girl had a rough week but is finally back to her self.

Two ER visits and a lot of cuddling later, Avery seems to be on the mend.

Today was the first day since last Tuesday that we really saw her, not only up and moving, but TALKING up a storm.

Avery is typically going, going, going—and talking every bit of the way. 

I won’t have much to report to her SLP tomorrow since it’s been a quiet week with her, but she’s definitely making up for it today.

Can’t lie though, she lost quite a bit of weight for her little body, but with her appetite increase we hope she’ll put that back on soon enough. 🥺

For now, we’re just so thrilled to have our happy girl back!

#stomachbug #stomachbugssuck #infantileleukemia #babiesgetcancertoo #leukemiawarrior #posttransplantlife #cancersurvivor #thrivingnotsurviving #survivorstories #survivorjourney #cancerwarrior #cancerfree #beatcancerlikeaboss
💛Grateful Season💛

As we look back over this week, our hearts are overflowing with gratitude.

We’re thankful every day for Avery’s health and the concern each of you have for her overall wellbeing.🥰

Just as important , we’re incredibly grateful for the incredible bond she shares with her sister—watching their love grow is a gift in itself.

Knowing how many challenges they faced together from the very beginning makes their relationship so special.

Ry loves her baby sister and wanted to help take care of her while she was sick.🥹

We’re also endlessly blessed by the unwavering support of our family, the joy of our friends, and this amazing community of followers who have stood by us through every step of Avery’s journey.

Your kindness and encouragement mean the world to us.💝

As we head into a busy December, we want to be sure to wish each of you a season filled with love and gratitude.

#gratefulmindset #gratefulness #gratefullife #holidaymood #sisters #sisterlylove #sisterslove #sisterstime #sistersarethebest #sisterbondingtime #sistersarethebest
🦃 Happy Thanksgiving!🤎

Today, whether you’re celebrating with a full heart or carrying grief, estranged from loved ones or surrounded by family, facing sickness or enjoying health, know that you are seen, loved, and appreciated.

I’m endlessly grateful for each of you—for your kindness, support, and connection throughout the year.

You’ve made this space a place of encouragement and love, and I couldn’t be more thankful for our community.

Sending you warmth and gratitude today and always. 🧡

#gratefulheart #thanksgivinglove #thankyouforthelove #grateful
The good news is that Avery hasn’t thrown up in over 24 hours.

The bad news is she still feels bad.

We haven’t seen much from her today. She just wants to rest on the couch.

She’s taken a couple naps today and isn’t much for eating. ☹️

Hopefully all of the rest she’s getting today will help her feel better tomorrow.

It’s upsetting seeing her so sad. 😞 

And for those that saw our story last night about Ry 🤮, she is doing much better today.

She had a slow start to the day but is back to her self—full of energy and talking up a storm.😂

Here’s hoping Avery is feeling well tomorrow!

#stomachflu #stomachflusucks #stomachache #stomachbug #hatewhentheyaresick #getbettersoon
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Childhood Cancer Resources

There is help available!

Whether your child has been diagnosed with cancer, or you’re simply looking for ways to educate yourself and get involved.

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Bone Marrow Transplant


How did you know something was wrong? Mom noticed a swollen lymph node just under Avery’s right ear. Two days later, she noticed another one. She also noted that Avery wasn’t eating as well as normal. That was the beginning of a long journey.

Helpful Terms

It’s okay, we’re learning together!

We all know that navigating cancer comes with a learning curve. We’ve put together a list of Leukemia vernacular to help as we continue through Avery’s journey.

Learn terms