i’m avery and i’m so grateful you’re here!

On Wednesday, December 16, we received devastating news. Our sweet baby was diagnosed with Pre B-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Cancer. At 2 months. This is her healing journey.

Life at Home

Avery spent most of the first year of her life in the hospital. After bone marrow transplant, she was discharged and is currently home. She is cancer-free and doing her best to adjust to what life should be for a toddler. These Instagram posts represent those days at home.

Did you know that today is “National Day of Encouragement?” 💖

One description of the holiday read, “This day is dedicated to uplifting people around us and making a positive impact.”

That made me reflect on the countless times this community—you—have encouraged us throughout Avery’s journey.

I know I mention this often, but we are truly forever grateful. 🥹 

So, in return, we try to encourage others by continuing to share Avery’s story.

Life after cancer isn’t exactly a piece of cake.

But, Avery is doing it—and seems to be doing it well.🙌🏼 

We hear from others on similar paths that share their stories with us and how encouraged they are by her progress.

Having said that, her speech is coming along. She has just been picking up words and phrases naturally. 

Her songs play in the background as she plays and she simply sings along.

And once the music stops, she just keeps on talking. 

We honestly can’t hear her little voice enough. 💛

So, we hope this encourages someone today.

#bonemarrowtransplant #gestaltlanguageprocessing #childhoodcancer #infantileleukemia #babiesgetcancertoo #leukemiawarrior #learningtotalk #leukemiafighter #posttransplantlife #cancersurvivor #cancercrushers #cancerawareness #thrivingnotsurviving #survivorstories #survivorjourney #cancerwarrior #cancerfree #beatcancerlikeaboss #cancersurvivors #speechdelay #nationalencouragementday

Childhood Cancer Resources

There is help available!

Whether your child has been diagnosed with cancer, or you’re simply looking for ways to educate yourself and get involved.

Find resources

Bone Marrow Transplant


How did you know something was wrong? Mom noticed a swollen lymph node just under Avery’s right ear. Two days later, she noticed another one. She also noted that Avery wasn’t eating as well as normal. That was the beginning of a long journey.

Helpful Terms

It’s okay, we’re learning together!

We all know that navigating cancer comes with a learning curve. We’ve put together a list of Leukemia vernacular to help as we continue through Avery’s journey.

Learn terms