Gas and constipation
Most days, Avery is a pretty happy baby, all things considered.
She’s always smiling, playful, talking, kicking her legs, and rolling over.
But not today.
When Mom called to talk a minute, we could see the sadness all over Avery’s face and redness around her eyes.

Mom had the on-call oncologist come in a take a look.
All her vitals looked good. Everything seemed fine.
The only issue? Gas and constipation.
They gave her meds for both and she seemed much better.
These pictures were an hour and a half apart.
She had us all pretty worried, but thankfully we’re all feeling a bit better now.
Hopefully both medicines work well for her and she can be back to normal before her 6 month birthday celebration tomorrow.
6:00pm UPDATE:
Two dirty diapers so she’s feeling much better!
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