Hint: it’s not the super cuddly therapy dog.
We received news this morning that Avery’s ANC is 140! It was 20 just two days ago.
They’ve also been prepared to give her blood for the past few days, but her hemoglobin has kept slowing inching up, so she hasn’t needed it yet.
And her platelets are up to 155. So…
She’s scheduled for her bone marrow biopsy TOMORROW MORNING!
(As well as a lumbar puncture where they’ll check for any cancer in her spine and give her a dose of chemo, just in case).
I’d be lying if I said we’re all nice and calm heading into this week.
The “scanxiety” is real.
We believe in Avery.
We believe in her care team.
We’ve been here before, but each one leaves us on pins and needles as we wait.
As a reminder, these are the two scenarios that would be best for Avery:
We need one of these two in order to move into CAR-T.
Please keep Avery in your thoughts and prayers tomorrow morning for the procedure… and the rest of us as we await the results.
This is going to be an anxiety-ridden couple of days and we could use all the positive energy y’all can send our way.