bmt day +15 officially engrafted
  • WBC: 1.4
  • Hgb: 10
  • ANC: 830
  • Platelets: 25

That’s three consecutive days of ANC above 500, so…


Engraftment means your new cells are working properly and starting to rebuild your immune system. Engraftment marks the start of your recovery process! There are still adverse side effects possible after engraftment, but it means her body is making healthy cells.

Be The Match

QUICK ASIDE: Avery received a large volume of cells from her (adult) donor in order to help assure engraftment. As the healthy cells came in and “turned on”, her little body’s natural response was to fight the new cells, causing the inflammation.

She still has a long journey ahead, but she’s making tremendous progress!

Her liver numbers looked good today. She pooped for the first time since Tuesday!

She got platelets again this morning. (Don’t forget: they’re the last cells to come back with engraftment, so she may need these daily for a while)

She slept through the night and into the afternoon, so catching up on lots of sleep.

No rubbing her face while she sleeps thanks to her anti-itch medicine, so her face is looking a little better.

They’re still draining 50cc from her liver and her stomach is already looking much smaller.

And, as you can see, she even sat up and played for a couple of hours!

She’s slowly making her way back and that’s helping all of us feel better!

Keep going, Avi! You’re doing great, sweet girl!

2 big ways to honor Avi’s journey:

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